Thursday, March 25, 2021

2021 Legislative Scorecard from Climate Advocates Voces Unidas

The 2021 New Mexico legislative session concluded Saturday. Legislators passed important policies that bring climate solutions to communities grappling with the worst impacts and more tools for regulators to protect our health from pollution.

Our top priority this session was to support efforts to increase critical funding to our energy, environment departments. Thanks to faithful advocacy by folks like you, a broad coalition of environmental organizations, and committed legislators – we were successful! There’s more work to be done, but together, we made progress. Read all the details in the coalition’s
press release.

Called “revolutionary” during a legislative committee hearing, Sustainable Economy Task Force (SB 112) represents a significant shift in how our state will address economic diversification by focusing efforts on sustainable sources of income and economic growth. In other words, SB 112 is a step off of the “boom and bust” budget roller coaster toward a more sustainable and equitable economy.

Now SB 112 and the rest of the wins on the Legislative Scoreboard are headed to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for her signature and veto. Ensure Governor Lujan Grisham knows you support SB 112 and the other critical bills that the Legislature passed to act on climate and protect our health!

CCFF Leader Nick King's Testimony during NM's Methane Rule Making Hearing

First of all, thanks for all your hard work on these life and death issues. My name is Nick King and I am pastor of the Carlsbad Mennonite C...