First of all, thanks for all your hard work on these life and death issues.My name is Nick King and I am pastor of the Carlsbad Mennonite Church. Caring for God’s creation is a God given responsibility that we are all charged with. Caring for the health of our neighbors and caring for future generations in the middle of this climate change is what we are all obligated to, unless we just serve our own immediate, economic interests which Jesus would call selfishness, one of the most basic of sins. Self interests vs the best for all? That is the question.
In the last few years, a lot has been improved in the oil field as we see considerably fewer flarings in this area now. Improvements can be done, as we see in Colorado. But we need more regulation of 1. Leakage 2. Pneumatic Valves and 3. Emissions of Completion and redevelopment. This may cost a little more, but as in construction, there are all kinds of costs of doing business. The question is- do the companies for profit pay now, or do we as taxpayers and health care providers pay way more in the future for this fiasco. But we as taxpayers need to front the money for much more reasonable inspections or we all will certainly pay later. I have been out in the oilfield and leaks can easily be seen with a FLIR camera. We have the technology.
Although we all need to do our part in consuming less, me included, and producing less carbon, we as a society need to make realistic regulations that manage the larger entities for the good of all.
May God give you wisdom and strength to move ahead in spite of the strong opposition of some economic interests.
Thank you
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