Wednesday, February 3, 2021

National Geographic: Oil drilling on sensitive New Mexico public lands puts drinking water, rare caves at risk

A National Geographic investigation has found that Permian Basin energy exploration could taint residential aquifers with pollutants—as well as Carlsbad Caverns and other cave systems.

Here are excerpts of an article by Jennifer Oldham (February 3, 20201)

"A National Geographic investigation found that the Trump Administration’s push to open these public lands for energy exploration puts Carlsbad Caverns, scores of other caves in New Mexico, and aquifers that supply drinking water to tens of thousands of homeowners at risk of contamination.

What’s more, the threat to the region’s unique cave ecosystems and aquifers isn’t likely to recede during President Joe Biden’s administration.

As he promised during his campaign, Biden on January 27 paused new oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands, in order to undertake a “comprehensive review “of the nation’s fossil fuels program. The pause only affects new development, however. It does not stop companies from drilling on existing leases, and it allows agencies to continue to approve permits for additional drilling there. 

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